
Intriguing Quote

"From that day on I clearly understood that the kingdom of God can never mix with politics. The ultimate, stated aim of Marxist teaching is the complete eradication of all religion. The pure bride of Christ can never be controlled by an atheistic government or led by men who hate God! The true church is not an organization controlled by the rules of men but a holy collection of living stones with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone......"
-Brother Yun from The Heavenly Man

Due to Yun's persecution in China, it's no wonder he has an Anabaptist scheme of how the church should relate to government. His statement, though, should still ring deep in the evangelical soul of America.


Rachel said...

Someone just recommended this book to me last weekend. Is it good?

David Strunk said...

It is quite good. Challenging and intriguing. Yun spoke at the seminary last semester and seems like the real deal. I'd check it out. It's a quick read.

Daniel said...

Wow I like Brother Yun even more now!

His message should resound more in America indeed, as should much of the Anabaptist message which is often neglected or ridiculed.