
Denver Seminary Lectures on the Church, Politics, and Social Consciousness

Denver Seminary, in honor of long time President and Chancellor Vernon Grounds, is launching the Vernon Grounds Institute of Public Ethics.

I know many fellow readers and myself have always dangled around how Christians ought to engage politics and our government. There is a lecture series that will launch this event that has two major evangelical heavyweights: Ron Sider and Darrell Bock. Reading further:

"The inaugural event which is planned for October 6 & 7, 2008 will be staged under the general theme "Christian Concern for our Common Life: The Christian and Political Engagement." It will feature two prominent and nationally known Christian scholars and noted ethicists: Dr. Ronald Sider, President of the Evangelicals for Social Action and Professor of Theology, Holistic Ministry and Pubic Policy at Palmer Theological Seminary and Dr. Darrell Bock, Research Professor or New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary and an authority in the engagement of Christianity and the general culture.

During the two-day conference which will take place on the Seminary's campus in Littleton, theologians Sider and Bock will deal with several topics including: "Toward an Evangelical Methodology for Engaging Political Engagement," "Combing Evangelism and Social Action: Cementing the Legacy of Vernon Grounds," and "Engaging Culture Theologically."

"Geared towards the Seminary's students, Christian leaders and the general Christian community. the Institute aims to provide an environment as well as resources designed to sensitize, educate and train Christians in matter pertaining to social ethics, so that they may be empowered to fulfill the biblical mandate to be 'salt and light.'"

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I'll be there for the evening talk. Should be good!