
Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the New Website

Okay, so there's no yellow brick road. But as advertised yesterday, the Redemptive Angle has gone rogue, and rid itself of the google platform.

The link is here: The Redemptive Angle.

If you grab an RSS feed or any other type of feed from this old blogspot site, go ahead and follow the link and grab the new RSS feed. I think you will enjoy the new format.



Hey friendly blog readers (God bless you, btw),

I've been inactive for a few weeks as I work out launching a new version of this blog. I'll be leaving the google platform and entering into my own new world. But before that happens, I may post here and there. I just wanted to keep you updated as to that status. The new site is very close to ready.

I just want you to know that I hope you'll continue to read and share what you read here as well.

Grace and peace,